Understanding the Benefits of Psychoeducational Testing for Children and Parents

Our education system is structured around testing and standardized testing is one of the most stressful events for our children and teens today.

In academics there is an immense emphasis placed on testing results such as FCAT and SAT. One thing that parents can do to help their children not only succeed academically, but also increase their level of confidence is to identify their academic strengths and weaknesses. Through psychoeducational testing one can identify reasons for academic difficulties such as processing difficulties, attention problems, emotional stress, or math and reading disorders. Identifying why there are difficulties allows others to help the child overcome these difficulties. Additionally, a psychologist who completes this testing can provide suggested recommendations to ensure that the child is given an even playing field when testing. Things like oral prompting and extra time on testing may better allow a child to achieve his/her true potential.

Psychoeducational testing is much different than standardized testing as it is administered in a one-on-one setting with a qualified professional. Not only is it beneficial to receive testing for a child who is struggling in one particular area, or many, but it is also helpful to test children even if they are perceived to be in the average range of functioning as to determine what their academic strengths are or how they best learn.

By highlighting the strengths a child has you are helping to build your child’s academic confidence. Additionally, by providing explanations for academic difficulties there is a defined reason for the difficulty which allows the child to reject negative self-talk such as “I’m just stupid.” The information one can gain from psychoeducational testing is endless, including:

  • Identifying and emphasizing a child’s hidden academic strengths
  • To help parents identify realistic academic expectations
  • To determine best learning environments
  • Helping older children’s to help determine majors or career options
  • To determine attention difficulties
  • To determine potential academic difficulties before they become problematic
  • To determine if emotional issues are impacting abilities to learn
  • To identify giftedness
  • To identify potential learning disabilities such as dyslexia or a math disorder
  • To receive detailed suggestions about how your child can perform to the best of their abilities
  • To update a past evaluation, particularly before college
    FYI:Most organizations such as colleges and SAT/ACT boards require evaluations within the last four years.

Being informed of your child’s true strengths and abilities will allow you to better aid them in the academic process. For more information about what to expect from testing and to schedule an appointment please call Palm Beach Behavioral Health and Wellness at (561) 429-2397 or email Dr. Larsen at drstephanie@pbbhw.com.